Friday, January 11, 2013

Photo A Day - Day 10

10. One o’clock: Take a photo of whatever you’re doing in the hour between one and two. It could be in the middle of the night {you party animal, you!} or during the day.

This was a fairly simple one for me.  I work as a cook at our local school.  We cook means for K-12 which comes out to about 400 breakfasts and 1200 lunches.  But it is a fun job because of the kids.  When you watch them grown up you really get attached to them.

I get off work at 1:00.  It is usually a little later than that as you can see from the clock.  You will also notice the digital part of the clock says 13:11 which is 1:11 where as the actual clock never got changed from day light savings.

I know picture is odd but I thought it was perfect for day 10.  I am sure there will be other odds as the month goes along.

Have a great day.

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